Profile PictureMathias Schrøder

CRO Audit: Learn Where You Need To Change Your Store To Sell More

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CRO Audit: Learn Where You Need To Change Your Store To Sell More

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Learn Where You Need To Optimize Your Store To Sell More

In the screencast, I record myself going through your online store telling you where and what you need to change to sell more.

Why Bother?

You're leaving money on the table.

What if the number #1 reason you're not growing as fast as you could isn't your product, your Facebook ads, or your email campaigns? What if it's your site?

I hate to say this, but it is your site. If you're like most, you picked your theme in the Shopify theme store based on the looks. And that's the problem.

Theme designers come from a design background. They know how to design but not how to design to sell. So your online store is beautiful. But it's not the sales machine it could be. You're leaving money on the table. I'm certain you could sell 30% more with simple design changes on your site.

It makes all your other marketing work better.

Learning how to design your store to sell is the tide that lifts all boats. It makes all your other marketing work better. When your store is optimized to sell, you get a higher return on paid ads, sell more from emails, and convert more organic traffic.

Don't believe me? Just calculate how much more money you would have in your bank account if you had sold to 30% more of your past website visitors. Crazy, right?

... And you'll make more in profits.

With a store designed to sell the most, you sell more from the same amount of work and cost. That leaves more money in your pocket at the end of the year.

Why should I trust you?

I understand if you hesitate. Why should I trust that you can help me?

Because I've walked in your shoes - and still do. Everything I've put into this comes from running my own online stores for the last 6 years.

I discovered that optimizing our site was the activity with the highest return on my time. So I started obsessing over conversion rate optimization (CRO). I learned everything I possibly could about CRO.

That led me to a partnership with Oddit, the world's leading Brand-First CRO company. Oddit asked me to build this product for them - so I did. But instead of paying $3.550 for an Oddit report, you can now learn the magic of CRO for only $150.

How To Get the Screencast

  1. Buy the product.
  2. Email me your online store URL.
  3. I send you the screencast within 2 working days.


Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @MattiSchroder.

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